How to flourish in a world that hates you

My friend,

In this letter I’m going to do something for you that almost no other libertarian has done before.

I’m going to show you a practical path that could allow you to

  • Dramatically increase your income without becoming a slave to work
  • Transform your health in ways that bureaucrats and their stupid dietary advice assure you aren’t possible
  • Keep the weirdos in the education system from colonizing your children’s minds
  • And live a freer, happier, more fulfilling life.

It may be hard to believe that’s possible. Especially in today’s world.

It feels like we’ve passed a point of no return.

We’ve endured a global mass psychosis based on fact-free claims and fearmongering.

To add insult to injury, most of the public not only went along, but a massive chunk of them actually demonized dissidents and cheered their tormentors.

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But our problems long predated COVID.

We are despised by virtually every source of allowable opinion for how we live and what we believe in.

And we’ve grown so wearily accustomed to our situation that it barely registers with many of us any longer.

Yet we libertarians spend almost no time at all on a strategy to make our lives better.

I want to end the Fed as much as anyone. But more than that, I want my kids to have a world that’s worth living in.

When the great Harry Browne wrote How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, he was hardly talking about politics at all.

He was talking about how to make your life better right now, regardless of what happens in politics.

That is good advice.

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Many of us – perhaps including you, dear reader – are demoralized and exhausted.

Kids with gathering crowd

We look to the future with dread. If they got away with the COVID madness, they’re not liable to stop there. Do we have to sit back helplessly as we await the next thing?

Not to mention, the odds seem insurmountable: we’re up against the political class, the entertainment world, academia, corporate CEOs, and the legacy media.

And everywhere we turn, the lizard people are on the offensive.

In the Netherlands, farmers made news when they protested nitrogen limits imposed in the name of stopping “climate change” that would mean a massive dent in the food supply. Other countries are beginning to adopt these, too, no doubt at the behest of the let-them-eat-bugs would-be tyrants at the World Economic Forum.

Then, too, energy costs have skyrocketed, since what’s the point of building additional capacity when the crazies have made clear that they’re going to ban fossil fuels?

And I surely don’t need to tell you how bizarre your local school system has become. We’ve all heard the stories.

It evidently wasn’t enough that during COVID they came for your job. Now it’s your energy, your food, your purchasing power, and even, for good measure, your children’s minds.

Kids with gathering crowd

It’s about time
for a pivot in our strategy.

And let’s be honest: what strategy?

What strategy have we liberty lovers developed for navigating people through these dangerous waters?

There’s been nothing. It’s a disgrace.

I for one am tired of sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop, twiddling our thumbs as we fecklessly await our overlords’ next move.

But for a long time, I didn’t know what to do other than churn out more and more educational content: videos, books, articles, podcast episodes, you name it.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. I stand by all of it.

But it’s totally inadequate to what our situation calls for.

I’ve been working to solve this problem for over a decade.

So it’s true: for a long time my contribution to the liberty world amounted to publishing books, writing articles, and giving lectures.

Nothing wrong with that.

But don’t you get the feeling that we have plenty of books, articles, and lectures already – and that a whole bunch more probably aren’t going to make a difference?

Ten years ago I finally began to realize that I could and should do more. In 2012 I knew for sure that there was one problem I could solve: educational malpractice.

The history we learn in school is a joke. You know that as well as I do. And forget about economics, if it’s even taught at all.

I myself took a college course whose professor required us to buy our books at a place called Revolution Books – inside of which the great mass murderers of the 20th century adorned the walls.

So I created Liberty Classroom to help adults correct what their teachers had lied to them about, and to learn what nobody bothered to teach them.

I then spent two full years helping Ron Paul create his homeschool curriculum, which gives students an alternative to traditional classroom propaganda. And we teach them things like how to run a home business, how to communicate effectively, and how to manage money (in other words, topics no local school is going to teach them).

Just the other day a grateful mother wrote me to say, “I want to say THANK YOU (though words fall short) for inspiring and giving my older three kids a totally-beyond-any-textbook perspective on Western civilization.”

Meeting with coffee

I may not be able to change Yale University, but for people who join Liberty Classroom the problem of propaganda in history and economics is solved.

I may not be able to abolish the government school system, but I can create an alternative like the Ron Paul Curriculum. And for those who adopt that alternative, the problems associated with government schooling are solved.

In both cases, I saw a problem, and solved it.

But in an unfailingly hostile world, we face far more serious problems than just these.

In 2021 I was on the verge of figuring out what it was I was supposed to be doing, but I wasn’t there yet. So I solicited the help of legendary business guru Jay Abraham, one of the most respected and sought-after business advisers in the world.

Want a full-day consult with Abraham? That’ll be $120,000. (I’m not joking.)

I managed to get two hours with him.

Before our meeting, as a backgrounder for him and at his request, I wrote out a full description of everything I did professionally. It was eight pages long.

During the meeting I said: I feel like there’s something further I should be doing to serve the people who follow and listen to me, but I don’t know what it is. Do you?

And of course he did. He’s Jay blankety-blank Abraham.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he told me: you should open the Tom Woods School of Life.

Before he even elaborated on what that was, I instantly knew I needed to do it, and that it would work.

We may be disorganized, and we may fight among ourselves, but the liberty world is full of geniuses, creative people, and trailblazers. No rule-following yes men here.

If only we could summon that genius and that energy. If only we could pool our resources, both intellectual and practical. Think of what we could build.

I’ll still record the Tom Woods Show and I’ll still do what I can to reach as many people as possible.



One thing COVID did to me,
I regret to say, was lower my estimation of mankind.

As I observed just how many people did not want to be free, I began to wonder: rather than shouting into the wind, why don’t I spend more of the finite quantity of energy I have on those people who genuinely do want to live free?

That means you, dear reader.

And I’m in a unique position to do exactly that.

As a bestselling author I’ve traveled the world and gotten to know a great many knowledgeable and successful people from whom I’ve drawn for our live sessions together. Real experts, not Fauci “experts.”

Every month we take an area of life in which many of us are struggling, and which is important to almost every serious person, and we begin to master it.

Over the past year, I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars to bring in the cream of the crop for our members.

Tom Woods

Such as:

#1 New York Times bestselling author and international investor Doug Casey. Doug showed us how to get a second passport. He revealed the best and worst places in the world to move. And answered your questions for over an hour.

The CEO of a college-substitute apprenticeship program.
Want your kids to get practical work experience, in a career they love, without racking up insurmountable debt? He walked us through exactly how to accomplish that (plus he’s offering my folks a $500 scholarship).

An accomplished physician who showed us how to get cheap telemedical care and stay out of the broken and corrupt medical system. He also revealed his own step-by-step plan for maximizing health.

A libertarian professor from Columbia Business School
(I promise he’s a good guy) who revealed the best investments for today’s upside-down world.

An expert on getting other people to pay for your kids’ schooling (if you know where to look, you can start getting scholarships in first grade!).

A former U.S. congressman, in fact the last Republican opponent of the Iraq war to retire, taught us about relocation in an age of psychotic state governments.

Business expert Marlon Sanders, who showed us how to earn an income online and work from anywhere.

The owner of a 7-figure cooking website, who taught us how she built it (and she happens to be one of our members – this community is full of impressive people).

A hostage negotiator on how Harvard’s myths about negotiating, believed by everyone, are making you not get what you want — and how to turn that around.

A man in his mid-30s whose words have sold $300 million in goods and services taught us about an occupation perfect for liberty lovers that requires no formal training, that you can’t be fired from, and that you can learn in a month. 

The secrets these experts share are absolutely shocking our members. Both in how big of an impact they’re having in their lives and in how easy they are to implement.

Here Are Just a Few of The Amazing Takeaways Members Are Raving About

Fitness facts and fallacies: exercises that waste your time or risk injury, and exercises that actually help you make progress (Henri Pellerin video)

A famous libertarian’s secret for becoming debt-free in just seven months (Session 2)

Why the secret to earning more money is working fewer hours (Session 7)

How two working parents can homeschool their kids without stress
(AMA session)

How to keep your homeschooled kids engaged and motivated (forget the threats and bribes – this is a much easier and practical solution) (AMA session)

Which cooking oils pack fat around your heart, and which help burn fat off your gut (Session 13)

How to master the rare skill that will get you ahead in business (and in life), and make you look like a boss to your friends (Session 15)

How to de-program the heavily propagandized (CJ Killmer video)

Specific strategies to win in a blue state when you’re hopelessly outnumbered (Ali Rak video)

The best-performing asset class of the past four generations – and it isn’t even close (Session 3)

How to quiet that inner critic that undermines your every move with discouragement and the impostor syndrome (Session 16)

The most freedom-friendly places to live – they’re not always the ones you think
(Session 5 & 6)

How to come up with a business idea you can implement and scale in record time (Session 7)

The supposedly “dying industries” that are generating massive returns (Session 3)

How about this one: how far you should live from a nuclear power plant (and did you know it depends on whether you’re east or west of the plant?) (Session 6)

How to raise money to start a business (John Foster video)

All of this training, and a whole lot more, is waiting for you inside the members’ area, with a lot more to come with each passing month.

And then we have our
small groups.

Every week small groups of between 8 to 12 members of the School of Life meet together with a professional facilitator.

Many of them are starting or growing businesses, while others are still trying to nail down their business idea. Others are trying to lose weight, eat better, get in shape — whatever their goals might be.

And whatever your goal, you’ll get there a lot faster in a group of like-minded people keeping you focused, giving you suggestions, making connections for you, and cheering you on.

When you work alone and hit a snag, that can take the wind out of your sails. But in the School of Life, your fellow group members are there to help you out of it and carry you along on the next step of your mission.

We keep each other accountable: we all pledge to accomplish some finite task before the next meeting in order to get closer to our goals.

“I had no idea what to expect with the accountability groups,” one of our members said. “Three weeks in and I kid you not they are the best thing Tom’s ever done.”

In other words, we do something. We take action. We network with people likely to be able to help us.

When I opened the School of Life in February, I had no idea what it would one day become.

I couldn’t envision all the ways it would transform people’s lives, helping them become healthier, more prosperous, and with better prospects for the future – yes, no matter who is in the White House.

And yet with no track record to speak of (because the program hadn’t started yet) and few details to share, the program attracted thousands of members in a single day.

Seminar in crowd


Because those people knew as well as I did that the time for talk was over, and the time for action had come.

And because they knew that when I make a promise, I deliver.

Oh, and after those thousands joined the School of Life I told them: surprise, I’m also hosting an optional in-person event that will be free for you to attend, because I’m paying for it as a gift to you. And what a blast it was.

As one attendee put it, “It was awesome to see a well-attended event with normal people, normal conversations, and normal things to laugh about and discuss. In a room of people who are clearly more intelligent than average, I was all ears and my learning muscle was on.”

Said another: “It was a fantastic event and a great time.
I have pages of notes and many more To Do’s from all the great points the speakers shared with us.”

And I didn’t have to look outside the School of Life for my speakers at that event, because our community is full of geniuses. Every last presenter was also a member.

We closed with a fantastic comedy show from Dave Smith, whom I flew down just for our event.

Each month, as we conquer yet another life challenge that once felt beyond your reach, you’ll become happier, less anxious, more satisfied, and closer to your personal goals.

And trust me, each of the special guests I invite to teach us is paid well, so they bring us their best.

Throw yourself into what we have to offer and you’ll become a more confident, more articulate, more successful version of yourself.

Whether it’s starting or growing a business, being a more impressive speaker or writer, investing your money wisely during inflationary times, exuding confidence in social situations, getting your children educated in a hostile world, or dozens of other skills we’d all love to have, you’ll be building up the kind of person that others admire, and who can reach your goals.

And it isn’t just yourself you have to think about. It’s your children, too.

The K-12 years are difficult enough, what with the weird ideologies many teachers want to impose on your kids. But after that: what should they do? For some people and professions, college can still make sense, but for others it surely doesn’t.

And in fact, 43% of college graduates wind up underemployed, after all that time and expense. Is that what you want for your family?

Man speaking to the crowd,

Well, don’t worry: in the School of Life, we teach about alternatives.

So much awaits you inside.

Here’s what you get when you join the Tom Woods School of Life today:



Join me and a hand-picked expert live twice a month for an expert training in a topic that will help you make more money, overcome one of the obstacles the lizard people have placed in our path, or otherwise make a tangible improvement in your life.

That could be money management, education, firearms, home security, investing, parenting, business, social skills, effective communication (speaking, writing, etc.), and many more.

These are experts at the top of their game. It could easily cost you $1,000 to buy just an hour of their time (if you could even get on their schedule). But I’m bringing you two a month. And the live Q&A can often run an hour or more.

I’m paying a fortune to have them come on, so you can be sure we’re getting all of our questions answered.


Plus a lot more.



This has been one of the best surprises to come out of the School of Life. Many of our members are entrepreneurs and business owners. Some are operating multimillion-dollar businesses. Others are just dipping their toe into the entrepreneurial waters.

So whether you want to launch your first business or add another comma to your bottom line, you’ll want to participate in one of these groups. You’ll get advice from, network with, and bounce ideas off other smart people. And you’ll make much faster progress by pledging to complete one task important to your success every week.

Also for our entrepreneurs and business owners: every quarter, you can get a 30-minute 1-on-1 session with one of our business experts. They can give you advice – and perhaps more importantly, help you make fruitful connections to accelerate your business growth.

(That alone is worth twice the cost of the entire program.)

These groups aren’t just for rapidly achieving business goals. They’re for any goals at all. We have people losing weight in these groups. Or getting in better shape, or switching to a new way of eating. These goals are much easier to reach when you have someone checking in on you. Plus losing 15 pounds or reaching a fitness goal is more rewarding when you have a whole group of friends cheering you on.

And in fact, you can start a group on whatever area of life is most important to you.



As libertarians, we believe in individualism. But sometimes we take this too far and isolate ourselves from our allies. When we come together, we can make incredible advances in our own liberty and well-being in a remarkably short time.

Which is why my School of Life has a members-only discussion and networking board.

There’s a section where entrepreneurs help each other overcome obstacles and find new opportunities.

We also have ongoing discussions about crypto, technology, health, homesteading, and protecting yourself and your family.

Members have started threads where they ask questions and share advice on fitness, occupations, relationships, and education.

As far as I know, this is the largest group of libertarians in the world. And we’re all in this together, guiding and supporting each other in every area of life.



By the way, I’m paying for everything at our optional in-person event: the food, the space, the entertainment.

If you’re not in the School of Life, a ticket to this live event will cost you $495.

However, when you become a part of this incredible community today, you won’t have to pay a dime.

I’m giving you all of this
for a tiny fraction of what it’s worth

Now, I’ve done the math. Between the thousands of dollars I spend every month bringing in the best experts in their fields…

  • The invaluable connections you’ll make in our community (one member is poised to make over $100,000 from just ONE connection he made at our event)…
  • The $500 scholarship to Praxis…
  • My $197 Email Domination Program…
  • And the $495 Tom Woods School of Life LIVE event ticket that
    I’m giving you for free…

    I could easily charge $5,000 for a one-year membership.
    And it would be more than worth it to the right person.
Tom Woods

However, I’m not asking you to pay anything close to that today.


In fact, I’m asking for only $83 a month (when billed annually).

Many of us spend between $100-$200 a month on a decent gym membership. And that’s a small price to pay to keep your body healthy and strong.

Well, this is the first program that helps you strengthen your life skills, your financial position, and your ability to defend your own liberty and your children’s future.

If you don’t think that’s worth as much as a gym membership, then you and I see the world differently.

So right now you have two choices.

You can sit by helplessly as people 
who despise you throw more obstacles in your path.

You can do something.



Nobody is coming to save you.

You have to do it yourself.

With my School of Life, you won’t have to go it alone.

But I should tell you: there are no refunds.

This is an extremely high-quality program, and it delivers everything I am describing and then some. The only reason someone would want a refund
is if he isn’t using it – and if you don’t intend to use it, I urge you not to join.
Serious people only, please.

The Tom Woods School of Life is about how to live and thrive –
personally, professionally, financially, educationally, and in plenty
of other ways, too – in a hostile world.

There is nothing else like it.

At this very moment, people are accomplishing great things inside my School of Life.
They aren’t fighting on social media all day. They aren’t saying “woe is me.” They are
working together with the best minds our community has to offer to create better lives
for themselves, and a better world for everyone.

You belong in here with us.

To borrow from Barry Goldwater: in your heart, you know I’m right.

We have to do this.

This is how to find freedom in an unfree world – for you, your children,
and your grandchildren.

The doors close when the timer hits zero.

Be a part of it.



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